CALLOUT 18/23: Potential hypothermia in the Berwyn Mountains
We were called earlier today by Heddlu Dyfed-Powys Police to assist two very cold and wet walkers in the Berwyn Mountains. They were concerned that they might be becoming hypothermic and so they called for assistance before their phone battery failed.
We used Phone Find to confirm their position. We realised it would take at least two hours to reach them, so they were advised to keep moving, following a fence line, down to a nearby farm, so they wouldn't get even colder by sitting to wait for rescue. By continuing to click the Phone Find link every few minutes we were able to track their progress towards the farm.
Just in case the walkers became incapacitated, before they could reach a building, two team vehicles and six team members travelled to the area.
In the event, there was no one in at the farm so our first landrover picked them up. A quick examination indicated they were fine apart from being very cold and wet. They were put into Blizzard Survival Products jackets and the heater was turned up full. They were then transferred around to where their vehicle was parked.
When considering a day out in the mountains we recommend taking a look at the #AdventureSmart website to make your day out an even better experience.
Ask yourself 3 questions before you set off:
– Am I confident I have the KNOWLEDGE & SKILLS for the day?
– Do I know what the WEATHER will be like?
– Do I have the right GEAR?
