About The Team
NEWSAR is a volunteer Search and Rescue (Mountain Rescue) Organisation. Our primary operating area is in North East Wales mainly covering the counties of Flintshire, Denbighshire, Wrexham and parts of Conwy and Powys. The team also regularly assists Mountain Rescue teams elsewhere in North Wales as well as Lowland Search and Rescue teams in Cheshire and Shropshire. The team was originally formed in 1981 under the name Clwyd Rescue Team, changing to North East Wales Search And Rescue in 1994.
We are a group of volunteers who help the Police by looking for vulnerable people who are missing from home or those in need of rescue. We are available 24 hours / 365 days a year.
We are a Registered Charity (England and Wales Number 1192256) and affiliated to the North Wales Mountain Rescue Association and Mountain Rescue, England and Wales.
What area does NEWSAR cover?
We provide cover to the police and ambulance service in an area that stretches from the Conwy valley across to the English border and from the North Wales Coast down to the Newtown / Welshpool area.
We operate both in mountainous terrain and in more suburban areas – wherever people are in need of assistance and cover the Counties of Flintshire, Denbighshire, Wrexham and parts of Conwy and Powys.
How is NEWSAR called out?
We operate using a text message system and only the police or ambulance service can call us out, normally following a 999 call from a member of the public. They will send a text message asking us to contact them and one of our First Responders will ring to find out further details. If the Team is needed, a text message will be sent to all Operational Members with a place and time to meet. They will let the First Responder know whether they will be attending.
We can also be called to assist other Teams if needed.
Does NEWSAR charge for its services?
Absolutely not! The work of the Team is carried out free of charge to those who are in need of assistance.
How is NEWSAR Financed?
All team members are volunteers and we do not receive any payment for providing this service to the Police.
It costs approximately £30,000 a year to run the Team – this covers fuel and repairs for our vehicles, protective equipment for team members, training courses and team equipment such as ropes, stretchers etc.
As NEWSAR is a Registered Charity the vast majority of this money is raised through grants, individual donations, legacies, street collections and collection tins.
For further details of our fundraising activities, please see our Fundraising Page
How many callouts does NEWSAR receive a year?
We usually average around 80 callouts a year. These can range from a couple of hours to a number of days. They can also happen at any time of the day!
We take great pride in the service that we offer to the local communities and make a real contribution to saving life.
What types of incidents does NEWSAR deal with?
We deal with many different types of incident. The traditional ‘mountain rescue’ of walkers and climbers forms only a small part of the work that we do. We are more likely to be called out to search for missing persons who are vulnerable, could be suffering from an illness or may even be despondent.