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Recent donations

We are grateful to the following people and organisations for their recent donations.

The Rotary Club of St. Asaph for their £100 donation.  This was presented at a visit of one of our team members to give a talk to the Rotarians about the work of NEWSAR.

The Burton and Puddington Walking Club members for their £195 donation.  This group regularly walks in the Clwydian Hills which are covered by NEWSAR.  We have never had to assist them and hope that we don’t in future, but we are grateful for the donation that recognises that we would assist if required.

The family, friends and work colleagues of a person the team searched for and recovered earlier this year.  Their combined donations totalled a staggering £700  for which we are extremely grateful.  The members of NEWSAR offer their condolences to everyone affected by this tragic incident.

If you would like to donate to NEWSAR to help us continue our work you can post a cheque to NEWSAR, PO Box 37, Mold, CH7 1EZ.

If you are a tax payer please consider completing a Gift Aid Declaration Form and enclose it with your donation.

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