Water training and Casualty Care Certificates
At our training session last night we carried out familiarisation with our water rescue equipment.
We have over 20 highly trained water rescue team members, but everyone else in the team also needs to be able to find and identfy all the water rescue equipment and carry out basic tasks away from the water hazard area.
We inflated our raft and boat so everyone could see how it was done. Both are initially filled by using a battery pump, but hand pumps are used to finish the job to get the right pressure.
Rapid concerted effort resulted in both the raft and boat being ready to go in 15 minutes.
At the end of training last night we congratulated team members who passed their Casualty Care in Mountain Rescue assessments earlier this year. The certificates were awarded to six team members present.
The qualification is much more than First Aid. It is a true pre-hospital care qualification covering identification and emergency treatment of trauma injuries and certain medical conditions, with the use of equipment and a small selection of drugs. It requires many hours of theoretical and practical study followed by a written a practical examination.
One of those who sat the exam is Doctor..... no pressure then from the others😃
