CALLOUT 93/22: Missing person search at Llyn Brenig
CALLOUT: In the early hours of Friday, North Wales Police requested our assistance with a missing person enquiry . From first light today, team members carried out extensive searches around Llyn Brenig. We were also assisted by a dog team from SARDA Wales and the Coastguard helicopter from Caernarfon . After two hours, a NEWSAR team member located the seriously hypothermic casualty and he was given immediate first aid. He was carefully put onto a stretcher and carried to the Coastguard helicopter for onward transport to hospital.

Casualty being stretchered to the Coastguard helicopter.
Note: in normal practice, approaching a helicopter from the rear would be avoided, due to the position of the tail rotor, which is a significant hazard. In this case it was unavoidable and the helicopter crew carefully managed the movement of team members to safely enter via the rear ramp.